Water for Health
How much water should we be drinking each day? Jeff Willoughby, MAT Therapist & Director of Wellington's Studio 41 tells us about the health benefits of drinking water.
Our bodies are 75% water; it is the most essential nutrient and truly is the source of life. Yet water is undervalued and underutilised for its properties in health, weight gain, and living a pain free life.
To work out your daily water intake, take your weight in kilograms and multiple it by 0.039 to get the amount in litres you’ll need to drink each day. For example, an 80kg person should be drinking just over 3 litres per day. Additionally, for every hour you exercise, you should be consuming water on top of this base measurement.
If we drink enough water, our bodies can better eliminate toxins and stay in a healthy state. When the body is dehydrated, proteins and enzymes become less efficient, which means that you may not be utilising your vitamins and minerals well.
Dehydration can also cause pain by reducing the body’s ability to wash the acidic toxic waste of metabolism, a by product of exercise. The intensity of pain may increase until movement and mobility of the area is affected, so it's important to stay hydrated throughout the day.
Not drinking enough water may also cause cartilage damage and injuries, as dehydrated cartilage becomes weaker and less flexible. In the spinal vertebral joints, water is not only a lubricant for the contact surfaces, it is held in the disc core within the intervertebral space and supports the compression weight of 75% of the weight of the upper body.
What happens when we drink tea, coffee or soft drinks in place of water? Although there is water in drinks that contain caffeine, in the long term they have a dehydrating effect on the body by forcing more water out of the body than is contained in the beverage.
When choosing a water bottle or shaker, it's best to avoid plastics containing BPA (Bisphenol A), which has been shown by medical research to be detrimental to human health. Plastic types 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 do not use BPA during polymerization or package forming.
So keep hydrated and stay healthy!